Laudato Si’

The Laudato Si’ Action Platform, officially launched on November 14, 2021, asks Catholics to “transform our way of dwelling in the world, our style of life, our relationship with the resources of the Earth and in general, our way of looking at humanity of saving life.” The initiative encompasses a seven-year action plan to look at environmental and social issues as addressed in Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home (2015).

The congregation enrolled in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform in February 2021 and publicly stated, “Rooted in the Gospel and in the spirit of Francis and Clare, we, as the Sisters of St. Francis, live in right relationship with all creation. Therefore, we, the Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque, Iowa, and our Associates, publicly commit to join the worldwide Catholic community in responding to Pope Francis’ appeal to participate in a seven-year journey toward sustainability and integral ecology by developing a Laudato Si’ Action Plan.”

In the congregation’s statement, the sisters and associates affirmed the commitment for the next seven years to:

  • Take up the ‘urgent appeal of Laudato Si’ to listen and respond to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor by making it a community priority;
  • Further the ongoing ecological conversion by bringing members into greater understanding of their socio-ecological vocation within the spirit of our charism;
  • Integrate each of the seven Laudato Si’ goals into our life and ministries by developing a systematic process to transition to an integral ecology;
  • Take bold concrete actions in the spirit of Laudato Si’ to address the multiple crises afflicting our common home—the planet and its people;
  • Practice nonviolence as we reconcile and heal the pain in creation and so hope for peace.

A Laudato Si’ Committee, appointed by the Leadership Team in February, 2021, educated themselves on the Laudato Si’ Action Platform(LSAP) and compiled the Dubuque Franciscans’ initiatives in relation to each of theLaudato Si’goals.

We have been given great abundance and are called to share it with others.  We are invited to be in solidarity with people world-wide promoting environmental and social justice in caring for Sister Mother Earth. More information and inspiration on the Laudato Sí Platformis available at

Ecological Spirituality

Ecological Spirituality

In Pope Francis’ letter, Laudato Sí: On Care for Our Common Home, in Chapter 6 on Ecological Education and Spirituality he states: “I would like to offer…a few suggestions for an ecological spirituality…I am interested in how such a spirituality can motivate us to a more compassionate concern for the protection of our world.” (#216)

Climate Challenge Prayer

God, Creator and Sustainer, Free us from ignorance about your gift of Earth. Inspire us to act together in respect for your gift and change our ways as we relate to the Earth’s rhythms with humility.  May we welcome the truth when scientists speak of climate change, and reject false pathways designed to confuse.

At this point in history, help us to urge our politicians to take moral decisions and urgent action in negotiating sustainable living.

Ground all our thoughts in your revealing scriptures and the wisdom of holy men and women who have gone before us to help build the new creation as followers of your Cosmic Son.

Give us a discerning spirit to work with ecological and the human, the social and the economic realities of this world, and instill in us a spirit of respect and compassion able to imagine pathways of harmony.



holding earth

Educational Resources

The Education portion of Laudato Si’ website will offer information surrounding Care for Our Common Home, including book titles, articles, Youtube links, TED talks, and other media offerings. In addition, programming at Shalom Spirituality Center will be presented.

How can we live simply?

 The very act of living simply may give rise to images of living “off the grid”, away from the hecticness of modern life – where our lifestyle can be simpler and more ecologically friendly. However, at its root, this is not what living simply means. To live simply, Pope Francis draws upon the Christian tradition to show what this kind of living really means, and how it is a call to live a simpler but more meaningful life. Living simply has more to do with reevaluating our relationships and connections. The recent pandemic – where much in our lives was put on pause – helped many of us to do this kind of reevaluation. Laudato Si invites us to do this kind of reevaluation on all levels. This video from Eco Catholic offers ideas on simple living from Laudato Si:


Equip yourself on how to talk with others about climate change and care for our home – Sister Mother Earth.

Did You Know?

“Did You Know?” will be a monthly feature that shares information on various topics that affect our Common Home, such as plastics, aerosols, water, compost, etc. This feature will address and offer a challenge pertaining to the following Laudato Si’ Goals:

  1. Response to the cry of the Earth
  2. Adoption of a simple lifestyle
  3. Ecological education
  4. Community engagement and participatory action
Did You Know

Energy Saving Myth #7: Setting your laptop on sleep mode saves more electricity than turning it off.

Did you know your laptop is using significant energy even when you put it in sleep mode? Many devices are notorious electricity vampires, sucking down power when not in use.

Energy Saving Myth #8: Lowering the thermostat won’t really save that much money.

Lowering your thermostat really does significantly cut your energy consumption. reports that you can cut 5% to 15% of your energy usage, which translates to savings on your heating bill. Set your thermostat 10 to 15 degrees lower for eight hours or more during the colder months.

Energy Saving Myth #9: Appliances don’t use energy if you turn them off.

Many appliances continue to draw power even when they’re in “off” mode. You can stop this waste by unplugging devices and appliances you’re not using.

Energy Saving Myth #10: CFL bulbs are more energy-efficient than LEDs.

One of the major benefits of LED bulbs is their superior energy efficiency over CFL bulbs.

Energy Saving Myth #11: Newer homes are always more energy-efficient than older homes.

Upgrading insulation and installing new windows and doors can absolutely transform an older home’s energy efficiency.

take action

Advocacy and Action

Equip yourself on how to talk with others about climate change and care for our home – Sister Mother Earth.

Tell the EPA to greenlight air quality improvements

Clean air, zero-emissions vehicles, and clear skies. That’s the future state air quality regulators have been building with key new standards to transition us away from dirty combustion and towards zero-emissions everything. That includes new regulations that set meaningful targets to get us to zero-emissions big rigs, trains, ferries, and cars. These are life-saving regulations from states that can bring big wins for our climate and the air we all breathe.

The only catch? We need the EPA to issue final approvals for these regulations to allow states like yours to adopt them. 

Help us tell EPA that you want to see the agency give the green light to life-saving regulations.