Sister Mary Hauber Honored At Franciscan Federation

Sister Mary Hauber Honored at Franciscan Federation

...the 30 minute piano lesson,” said her nomination essay, which was submitted by the Sisters of St Francis’ Leadership Team. “Students supported each other in Sister Mary’s peaceful studio and...

Educational Resources

...convinces people to buy the latest fashions. Copy and paste this link to 3.34min. video called “Fast Fashion – Sustainable Fashion”: What damage is done to the environment by...
Sister Catherine Weisensel, OSF

Sister Catherine Weisensel, OSF

...and evening prayers at the table in German, until they realized that the children didn’t understand what was being prayed. It was then that Catherine was asked to write out...
Sister Bernardine Dillinger, OSF

Sister Bernardine Dillinger, OSF

...from being a homemaker is 1991, but that didn’t stop her from keeping busy. Bernardine would write letters and send cards to the sick, the lonely, and the elderly. And...
Sister Bernice Schuetz, OSF

Sister Bernice Schuetz, OSF

...of twenty-three. After writing to several communities, she heard from Mother Ruth Mary who assured her there would be room for her in the convent. On August 25, 1952, Bernice...
Sister Carol Hoverman, OSF

Sister Carol Hoverman, OSF

...anniversary, Sister Carol began writing original songs for community events. Many of these songs are in the Sing Joyfully book and are used on various occasions. Sister would say that...
Philip Chard To Give Virtual Presentation June 7

Philip Chard to Give Virtual Presentation June 7

...Francis’ Canticle of Creation Center Philip Chard is a psychotherapist, writer, trainer and public speaker. His part-time private practice, called “Out of My Mind, LLC,” is based in Pewaukee, Wisconsin....
Sister Rose Mary Thillen, OSF

Sister Rose Mary Thillen, OSF

...Christi in Chicago. These years she described as the best years of her life. She returned to Holy Ghost in Dubuque in order to be able to help out her...