2023 Diamond Jubilarians – 60 Years

...also served in community-sponsored institutes at Holy Family Hall, the Alverno Apartments, and was the Director of St. Mark Community Center. Sister Inez served as Co-Director for the Humility of...
Ministry Grant Helps Schools In St. Lucia

Ministry Grant Helps Schools in St. Lucia

...Sister of St. Francis. I am so proud, happy, and blessed of the fact that I’m in a community that allows us individually, with community support, to fulfill something personally.”...
Sister Anna Marie Manternach, OSF

Sister Anna Marie Manternach, OSF

...it was a privilege to have all 12 years at St. Mary’s in Cascade taught by our Community of Franciscan Sisters. Since I had the example of Sisters during my...
Sister Susann Rogers, OSF

Sister Susann Rogers, OSF

...baptismal certificate did she find that the pastor of the parish baptized her Leona Magdalen after Susann’s Godmother. So, as Susann states, “Is it any wonder that once I got...
Common Venture Volunteers Reflect On The Experience

Common Venture Volunteers Reflect on the Experience

...have come to appreciate that serving with Franciscan humility truly is different from helping or fixing, as Rachel Naomi Remen states in her article included in our orientation materials: “Service…is...
Sister Lucy Kurt, OSF

Sister Lucy Kurt, OSF

...She entered the community on August 25, 1945 as a postulant and on August 12, 1946, was received into the community and given the name Sister Mary Lucy. She was...